This is an easy recipe that will amaze your guests with its elegance and complex flavors. The secret is using won-ton wrappers instead of pasta. This raviolis...
A wonderful use for fall squash. If there is too much filling, surplus may be baked in custard cups set in pan of hot water. Do not bake together with...
My grandmother taught me how to make this recipe while I was a teenager working on her farm in the summers. For people that find the taste of pumpkin a...
This roasted butternut squash recipe is perfect for a dinner party-serving on a large platter encourages second helpings and all the half portions, tastes,...
I love this cake. Makes your whole house smell wonderful. If you can't find butternut flavoring, you can also use vanilla-butternut or a combination of...
In France, this soup would be prepared with a baking pumpkin. A mixture of butternut and acorn squashes mimics the French pumpkin's exceptional taste and...
The best qualities of a gratin shine in this incredibly simple side dish: Pieces of sweet butternut squash and a flurry of salty Parmigiano-Reggiano meld...
I developed this recipe using a few of my favorite ingredients. This is an easy to prepare vegan recipe that creates a very balanced meal, and is great...
Silky miso and a paprika-packed squash purée makes this risotto hearty and satisfying, not to mention vegan. Double or triple the squash purée since...
This impressive side dish is a play on the classic twice-baked potato with amped-up toppings of Parmesan whipped cream, candied hazelnut-bacon bits, and...